Saturday, October 08, 2005


real quick..I just saw this on a news site, and couldn't take. there were 3 earthquakes today... 1 in California, none dead that iv'e heard of yet; 1 in Guatamala, between 1,400 - 3,000 dead; and in South Asia, 18,000 in Pakistan alone. click here for full story and pictures (as of 10/9/05 - 12:45 A.M.) Call it stupid, but for this moment, I feel like I can hear all those souls crying out as they died...almost wondering "is this it? this is the end? there had to have been so much more." And then my thoughts went to me (and probably you), and the state of blessing that we are have in America. I'm sitting here in a fully furnished kitchen, experiencing this through the screen on my laptop; with my cell phone sitting next to me, my car sitting outside the house, a latte in my hand, and a full stomach. And in the midst fo this; I keep getting this thought hammered through my head: "where would Jesus be right now?" or better yet, where is Jesus right now? I am convinced that He is right there in the midst of the utter agony and turmoil and sorrow; just trying to give His love to people. And here we sit, in our American prosperity (not dissing America, I am incredibly thankful to be here), whining and complaining about the stupidest, most miniscule things. And trust me, I'm at the front of this line. How much longer will it take for us to get over ourselves and our petty problems that pale in comparison to the rest of the world. Lord Jesus, help us to see as you see...


  1. Wow... maybe I should watch the news. I am only commenting to share a some thought that I had while reading this post...
    Yes we in America are blessed and we seemingly whine about meaningless things in comparrison to the rest of the world, yet the things that we worry about are important to us b/c it's what we know and experience. I totally agree that we need to get over ourselves... we have so much and we are still not satisfied and others have so little and are completely content. I am really happy for you that you are passionate about this (mostly because it helps others gain a perspective on the situation too).
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this and thanks for letting me share mine! (Awesome insight... thanks for helping me to see something I might not have.)

  2. you stole my next one....

  3. "I am convinced that He is right there in the midst of the utter agony and turmoil and sorrow; just trying to give His love to people."

    I am absolutely sure that is where Christ is...and where he wants us to be. James, thanks for sharing your stirring thoughts.

  4. wow. that's unbelievable the number of people who have died in Pakistan. i mean, people died in the Guatamala but in just Pakistan, 18,000 people died. that's ALOT of people. wow.
