Thursday, September 08, 2005

No Excuse

I know that almost everyone has been posting about the effects that Huricane Katrina has had on the people of our nation. And I know that a lot of people have done something, and that is truly great. But here's the much can we do. Or better yet, how much more can I (a college student, struggling to find a job so that I can throw the school some money by Oct 1, so I don't get kicked out) . The purpose of this post is to give you (and I) no excuse.
For those that are quite daring in their passion for those in need, they can volunteer:

For those that have some money to give (i'm getting ready to give again after I post this), you can give money, however little or large you have:
World Vision:
Salvation Army:
The Red Cross:

Or if you have an extra bed in your house, you can host a family:

Or you can even help your church to host a family:

And as a reference, there is a website up, helping people to locate their friends and families:]

I don't know about you, but I know I have to do something


  1. Wow... you're right we all should be trying to do something... and as simple as it might sound... prayer is always something that anyone can do to help those in need. Sometimes we get so into to the mentality that we have to DO something but sometimes all God asks is for us to give of our time in soemthing as simple as prayer. I know its not always the answer for everyone but it is more often the answer that is over looked by so many of us. I know that I for one tried to ignore what was going on until the other night when I sat and read an article. As my eyes filled with tears I knew I needed to in the least PRAY for these people. As I thought of all the people that had been affected all I could think was... GOD HELP THEM... and thank you God that you have protected my life from tradgic events like that! Well sorry for babbling on but thanks for sharing you got me to think about it a little more... =)

  2. PS... thanks for wishing me a happy birthday the other night...

  3. thanks for the links, i've been trying to find a way to help, but i just didn't know where to look...thanks again

  4. Hope things went well today!
