Monday, July 25, 2005

There is an Epidemic Raging....

There is an epidemic raging. It's nothing new, it's been this way for a LONG, LONG time. In this moment, I'm talking about hunger, world hunger. Drought and locusts have brought severe starvation to the people of western Africa. 3.6 million to be exact, 1/3 of which are children....1 million innocent children starving to death.

Now, forgive me, I know that if you are reading this, you are one of the people who actually cares about these issues and wants to change them. So I must give you mad props because you already care. But how far will caring take you? I'd love to hear how people are actively making a change for these kinds of issues (overseas and here in the U.S.A.), please stir all of us on to do something tangible about it!!!

Here is the complete article of this 1 current problem. The last phrase in the article is by a school teacher in the country of Niger. He talks about the vast destruction that this plague is producing, and this is his comment: "The world is generous. Our friends heard our cries. Do you think they will let us suffer when they are living comfortably?"I would say the answer, for the most part, is yes. Well, let's change that...May we not be the ones caught asking Jesus where he was hunger, thirsty, naked, homeless and in prison; while we actively do nothing to change the epidemic. Let's end this "stupid hunger," together!

My Other Blog

Here is the link to my old blog:
It has many old posts, and will continue to be updated just as this one is; so check it out for others comments!